This is a beta feature.

This feature was introduced in v1.11.
This feature graduated to beta status in v1.14.

For more information read the Crossplane feature lifecycle.

Composition functions (or just functions, for short) are custom programs that template Crossplane resources. Crossplane calls composition functions to determine what resources it should create when you create a composite resource (XR). You can write a function to template resources using a general purpose programming language like Go or Python. Using a general purpose programming language allows a Function to use more advanced logic to template resources, like loops and conditionals.

You can build a function using general purpose programming languages such as Go or Python. The Crossplane community has also built functions that let you template Crossplane resources using CUE, Helm-like Go templates or Patch and Transforms.

Install a composition function

Installing a Function creates a function pod. Crossplane sends requests to this pod to ask it what resources to create when you create a composite resource.

Install a Function with a Crossplane Function object setting the spec.package value to the location of the function package.

For example, to install Function Patch and Transform,

2kind: Function
4  name: function-patch-and-transform
6  package:
Functions are Crossplane Packages. Read more about Packages in the Packages documentation.

By default, the Function pod installs in the same namespace as Crossplane (crossplane-system).

Verify a composition function

View the status of a Function with kubectl get functions

During the install a Function reports INSTALLED as True and HEALTHY as Unknown.

1kubectl get functions
2NAME                              INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                                                  AGE
3function-patch-and-transform      True        Unknown   10s

After the Function install completes and it’s ready for use the HEALTHY status reports True.

Use a function in a composition

Crossplane calls a Function to determine what resources it should create when you create a composite resource. The Function also tells Crossplane what to do with these resources when you update or delete a composite resource.

When Crossplane calls a Function it sends it the current state of the composite resource. It also sends it the current state of any managed resources the composite resource owns.

Crossplane knows what Function to call when a composite resource changes by looking at the Composition the composite resource uses.

Crossplane has four core components that users commonly mix up:

  • Composition - A template to define how to create resources.
  • CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD) - A custom API specification.
  • Composite Resource (XR) - Created by using the custom API defined in a CompositeResourceDefinition. XRs use the Composition template to create new managed resources.
  • Claim (XRC) - Like a Composite Resource, but with namespace scoping.

To use composition functions set the Composition mode to Pipeline.

Define a pipeline of steps. Each step calls a Function.

Each step uses a functionRef to reference the name of the Function to call.


Compositions using mode: Pipeline can’t specify resource templates with a resources field.

Use function “Patch and Transform” to create resource templates.

Some Functions also allow you to specify an input.
The function defines the kind of input.

This example uses Function Patch and Transform.
Function Patch and Transform implements Crossplane resource templates.
The input kind is Resources, and it accepts Patch and Transform resources as input.

 2kind: Composition
 3# Removed for Brevity
 5  # Removed for Brevity
 6  mode: Pipeline
 7  pipeline:
 8  - step: patch-and-transform
 9    functionRef:
10      name: function-patch-and-transform
11    input:
12      apiVersion:
13      kind: Resources
14      resources:
15      - name: storage-bucket
16        base:
17          apiVersion:
18          kind: Bucket
19          spec:
20            forProvider:
21              region: "us-east-2"

Use a pipeline of functions in a composition

Crossplane can ask more than one Function what to do when a composite resource changes. When a Composition has a pipeline of two or more steps, Crossplane calls them all. It calls them in the order they appear in the pipeline.

Crossplane passes each Function in the pipeline the result of the previous Function. This enables powerful combinations of Functions. In this example, Crossplane calls function-cue to create an S3 bucket. Crossplane then passes the bucket to function-auto-ready, which marks the composite resource as ready when the bucket becomes ready.

 2kind: Composition
 3# Removed for Brevity
 5  # Removed for Brevity
 6  mode: Pipeline
 7  pipeline:
 8  - step: cue-export-resources
 9    functionRef:
10      name: function-cue
11    input:
12      apiVersion:
13      kind: CUEInput
14      name: storage-bucket
15      export:
16        target: Resources
17        value: |
18          apiVersion: ""
19          kind: "Bucket"
20          spec: forProvider: region: "us-east-2"          
21  - step: automatically-detect-readiness
22    functionRef:
23      name: function-auto-ready

Test a composition that uses functions

You can preview the output of any composition that uses composition functions using the Crossplane CLI. You don’t need a Crossplane control plane to do this. The Crossplane CLI uses Docker Engine to run functions.

See the Crossplane CLI docs to learn how to install and use the Crossplane CLI.
Running crossplane beta render requires Docker.

Provide a composite resource, composition and composition functions to render the output locally.

1crossplane beta render xr.yaml composition.yaml functions.yaml

crossplane beta render prints resources as YAML to stdout. It prints the composite resource first, followed by the resources the composition functions created.

 3kind: XBucket
 5  name: example-render
 8kind: Bucket
10  annotations:
11 storage-bucket
12  generateName: example-render-
13  labels:
14 example-render
15  ownerReferences:
16  - apiVersion:
17    blockOwnerDeletion: true
18    controller: true
19    kind: XBucket
20    name: example-render
21    uid: ""
23  forProvider:
24    region: us-east-2

You can recreate the output below using by running crossplane beta render with these files.

The xr.yaml file contains the composite resource to render:

2kind: XBucket
4  name: example-render
6  bucketRegion: us-east-2

The composition.yaml file contains the Composition to use to render the composite resource:

 2kind: Composition
 4  name: example-render
 6  compositeTypeRef:
 7    apiVersion:
 8    kind: XBucket
 9  mode: Pipeline
10  pipeline:
11  - step: patch-and-transform
12    functionRef:
13      name: function-patch-and-transform
14    input:
15      apiVersion:
16      kind: Resources
17      resources:
18      - name: storage-bucket
19        base:
20          apiVersion:
21          kind: Bucket
22        patches:
23        - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
24          fromFieldPath: spec.bucketRegion
25          toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.region

The functions.yaml file contains the Functions the Composition references in its pipeline steps:

3kind: Function
5  name: function-patch-and-transform
7  package:

The Crossplane CLI uses Docker Engine to run functions. You can change how the Crossplane CLI run a function by adding an annotation in functions.yaml. Add the annotation to a Function to change how it’s run.

crossplane beta render supports two values:

  • Docker (the default) connects to Docker Engine. It uses Docker to pull and run a function runtime.
  • Development connects to a function runtime you have run manually.

When you use the Development runtime the Crossplane CLI ignores the Function’s package. Instead it expects you to make sure the function is listening on localhost port 9443. The function must be listening without gRPC transport security. Most function SDKs let you run a function with the --insecure flag to disable transport security. For example you can run a Go function locally using go run . --insecure.

2kind: Function
4  name: function-patch-and-transform
5  annotations:
6 Development
8  package:
Use the Development runtime when you write a composition function to test your function end-to-end.

crossplane beta render also supports the following Function annotations. These annotations affect how it runs Functions:

  • - When using the Docker runtime this annotation specifies whether the CLI should stop the function container after it calls the function. It supports the values Stop, to stop the container, and Orphan, to leave it running.
  • - When using the Docker runtime this annotation specifies when the CLI should pull the Function’s package. It supports the values Always, Never, and IfNotPresent.
  • - When using the Development runtime this annotation tells the CLI to connect to a Function running at the specified target. It uses gRPC target syntax.

Write a composition function

Composition functions let you replace complicated Compositions with code written in your programming language of choice. Crossplane has tools, software development kits (SDKs) and templates to help you write a function.

Here’s an example of a tiny, hello world function. This example is written in Go.

1func (f *Function) RunFunction(_ context.Context, req *fnv1beta1.RunFunctionRequest) (*fnv1beta1.RunFunctionResponse, error) {
2        rsp := response.To(req, response.DefaultTTL)
3        response.Normal(rsp, "Hello world!")
4        return rsp, nil

Some people design composition functions for you to use them with any kind of composite resource. Function Patch and Transform and Function Auto Ready work with any kind of composite resource.

Another common pattern is to write a composition function specific to one kind of composite resource. The function contains all the logic needed to tell Crossplane what resources to create when you create a composite resource. When you write a composition function like this, your Composition can be small. It just tells Crossplane what function to run when you create, update, or delete a composite resource.

This Composition tells Crossplane to call function-xr-xbucket whenever you create, update, or delete an XBucket composite resource. function-xr-xbucket is hard coded to handle XBucket composite resources.

 2kind: Composition
 4  name: example-bucket-function
 6  compositeTypeRef:
 7    apiVersion:
 8    kind: XBucket
 9  mode: Pipeline
10  pipeline:
11  - step: handle-xbucket-xr
12    functionRef:
13      name: function-xr-xbucket

To write a composition function, you:

  1. Create the function from a template.
  2. Edit the template to add the function’s logic.
  3. Test the function.
  4. Build the function, and push it to a package registry.

You use the Crossplane CLI to create, test, build, and push a function. For example,

 1# Create the function from a template.
 2crossplane beta xpkg init function-example function-template-go
 3Initialized package "function-example" in directory "/home/negz/control/negz/function-example" from (main)
 5$ ls
 6Dockerfile  fn.go  fn_test.go  go.mod  go.sum  input  LICENSE  main.go  package  renovate.json
 8# Edit the template to add your function's logic
 9$ vim fn.go
11# Build the function.
12$ docker build . --quiet --tag runtime
15# Package the function.
16$ crossplane xpkg build -f package --embed-runtime-image=runtime
18# Test the function.
19$ go run . --insecure
20$ crossplane beta render xr.yaml composition.yaml functions.yaml
22# Push the function package to
23$ crossplane xpkg push -f package/*.xpkg crossplane-contrib/function-example:v0.1.0

When you’re writing a composition function it’s useful to know how composition functions work. Read the next section to learn how composition functions work.

How composition functions work

Each composition function is actually a gRPC server. gRPC is a high performance, open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework. When you install a function Crossplane deploys the function as a gRPC server. Crossplane encrypts and authenticates all gRPC communication.

You don’t have to be a gRPC expert to write a function. Crossplane’s function SDKs setup gRPC for you. It’s useful to understand how Crossplane calls your function though, and how your function should respond.

    User->>+API Server: Create composite resource
    Crossplane Pod->>+API Server: Observe composite resource
    Crossplane Pod->>+Function Pod: gRPC RunFunctionRequest
    Function Pod->>+Crossplane Pod: gRPC RunFunctionResponse
    loop Extra resources needed?
      Crossplane Pod->>+API Server: Get Extra resources
      Crossplane Pod->>+Function Pod: gRPC RunFunctionRequest
      Function Pod->>+Crossplane Pod: gRPC RunFunctionResponse
    Crossplane Pod->>+API Server: Apply desired composed resources

When you create, update, or delete a composite resource that uses composition functions Crossplane calls each function in the order they appear in the Composition’s pipeline. Crossplane calls each function by sending it a gRPC RunFunctionRequest. The function must respond with a gRPC RunFunctionResponse.

You can find detailed schemas for the RunFunctionRequest and RunFunctionResponse RPCs in the Buf Schema Registry.

When Crossplane calls a function the first time it includes four important things in the RunFunctionRequest.

  1. The observed state of the composite resource, and any composed resources.
  2. The desired state of the composite resource, and any composed resources.
  3. The function’s input.
  4. The function pipeline’s context.

A function’s main job is to update the desired state and return it to Crossplane. It does this by returning a RunFunctionResponse.

Most composition functions read the observed state of the composite resource, and use it to add composed resources to the desired state. This tells Crossplane which composed resources it should create or update.

If the function needs extra resources to determine the desired state it can request any cluster-scoped resource Crossplane already has access to, either by by name or labels through the returned RunFunctionResponse. Crossplane then calls the function again including the requested extra resources and the context returned by the Function itself alongside the same input, observed and desired state of the previous RunFunctionRequest. Functions can iteratively request extra resources if needed, but to avoid endlessly looping Crossplane limits the number of iterations to 5. Crossplane considers the function satisfied as soon as the extra resources requests become stable, so the Function returns the same exact request two times in a row. Crossplane errors if stability isn’t reached after 5 iterations.


A composed resource is a resource created by a composite resource. Composed resources are usually Crossplane managed resources (MRs), but they can be any kind of Crossplane resource. For example a composite resource could also create a ProviderConfig, or another kind of composite resource.

Observed state

When you create a composite resource like this one, Crossplane observes it and sends it to the composition function as part of the observed state.

2kind: XBucket
4  name: example-render
6  bucketRegion: us-east-2

If any composed resources already exist, Crossplane observes them and sends them to your function to as part of the observed state.

Crossplane also observes the connection details of your composite resource and any composed resources. It sends them to your function as part of the observed state.

Crossplane observes the composite resource and any composed resources once, right before it starts calling the functions in the pipeline. This means that Crossplane sends every function in the pipeline the same observed state.

Desired state

Desired state is the set of the changes the function pipeline wants to make to the composite resource and any composed resources. When a function adds composed resources to the desired state Crossplane creates them.

A function can change:

  • The status of the composite resource.
  • The metadata and spec of any composed resource.

A function can also change the connection details and readiness of the composite resource. A function indicates that the composite resource is ready by telling Crossplane whether its composed resources are ready. When the function pipeline tells Crossplane that all composed resources are ready, Crossplane marks the composite resource as ready.

A function can’t change:

  • The metadata or spec of the composite resource.
  • The status of any composed resource.
  • The connection details of any composed resource.

A pipeline of functions accumulates desired state. This means that each function builds upon the desired state of previous functions in the pipeline. Crossplane sends a function the desired state accumulated by all previous functions in the pipeline. The function adds to or updates the desired state and then passes it on. When the last function in the pipeline has run, Crossplane applies the desired state it returns.


A function must copy all desired state from its RunFunctionRequest to its RunFunctionResponse. If a function adds a resource to its desired state the next function must copy it to its desired state. If it doesn’t, Crossplane doesn’t apply the resource. If the resource exists, Crossplane deletes it.

A function can intentionally choose not to copy parts of the desired state. For example a function may choose not to copy a desired resource to prevent that resource from existing.

Most function SDKs handle copying desired state automatically.

A function should only add the fields it cares about to the desired state. It should add these fields every time Crossplane calls it. If a function adds a field to the desired state once, but doesn’t add it the next time it’s called, Crossplane deletes the field. The same is true for composed resources. If a function adds a composed resource to the desired state, but doesn’t add it the next time it’s called, Crossplane deletes the composed resource.

Crossplane uses server side apply to apply the desired state returned by a function pipeline. In server side apply terminology, the desired state is a fully specified intent.

For example, if all a function wants is to make sure an S3 bucket in region us-east-2 exists, it should add this resource to its desired composed resources.

2kind: Bucket
4  forProvider:
5    region: us-east-2

Even if the Bucket already exists and has other spec fields, or a status, name, labels, etc the function should omit them. The function should only include the fields it has an opinion about. Crossplane takes care of applying the fields the function cares about, merging them with the existing Bucket.

Composition functions don’t actually use YAML for desired and observed resources. This example uses YAML for illustration purposes only.

Function input

If a Composition includes input Crossplane sends it to the function. Input is a useful way to provide extra configuration to a function. Supporting input is optional. Not all functions support input.

 2kind: Composition
 4  name: example-render
 6  compositeTypeRef:
 7    apiVersion:
 8    kind: XBucket
 9  mode: Pipeline
10  pipeline:
11  - step: patch-and-transform
12    functionRef:
13      name: function-patch-and-transform
14    input:
15      apiVersion:
16      kind: Resources
17      resources:
18      - name: storage-bucket
19        base:
20          apiVersion:
21          kind: Bucket
22        patches:
23        - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
24          fromFieldPath: spec.bucketRegion
25          toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.region
Crossplane doesn’t validate function input. It’s a good idea for a function to validate its own input.

Function pipeline context

Sometimes two functions in a pipeline want to share information with each other that isn’t desired state. Functions can use context for this. Any function can write to the pipeline context. Crossplane passes the context to all following functions. When Crossplane has called all functions it discards the pipeline context.

Crossplane can write context too. If you enable the alpha composition environment feature Crossplane writes the environment to the top-level context field

Disable composition functions

Crossplane enables composition functions by default. Disable support for composition functions by disabling the beta feature flag in Crossplane with helm install --args.

1helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane \
2    --create-namespace \
3    --set "args='{--enable-composition-functions=false}'"

The preceding Helm command installs Crossplane with the composition functions feature flag disabled. Confirm you have disabled composition functions by looking for a log line:

1 kubectl -n crossplane-system logs -l app=crossplane
2{"level":"info","ts":1674535093.36186,"logger":"crossplane","msg":"Beta feature enabled","flag":"EnableBetaCompositionFunctions"}

If you don’t see the log line emitted when Crossplane starts, you have disabled composition functions.

Disable extra resources

Crossplane enables extra resources by default, allowing Functions to get access to any cluster-scoped resource Crossplane already has access to. Disable support for extra resources, while keeping composition functions enabled, by disabling the beta feature flag in Crossplane with helm install --args.

1helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane \
2    --create-namespace \
3    --set "args='{--enable-composition-functions-extra-resources=false}'"

The preceding Helm command installs Crossplane with the extra resources feature flag disabled. Confirm you have disabled composition functions by looking for a log line:

1 kubectl -n crossplane-system logs -l app=crossplane
2{"level":"info","ts":1674535093.36186,"logger":"crossplane","msg":"Beta feature enabled","flag":"EnableBetaCompositionFunctionsExtraResources"}

If you don’t see the log line emitted when Crossplane starts, you have disabled extra resources for composition functions, which means requests by functions for extra resources are just ignored.